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Pioneer Travel's Commitment to Communities

PIONEER TRAVEL also makes donations to other well deserving organizations as well, including Toys for Tots, the Polar Plunge, offers their services for Eternal Wish, making wishes come true for adults, and helping out families in need when they have had a tragedy in their lives and need a little assistance.  

We may not be the largest company out there, but we have a heart, and we believe in giving back to the communities.  You never know when you may need a helping hand as well.

We collect unused toiletries from our corporate clients, and donate them to the Ronald McDonald House families that have to live there for awhile.   And those that don't get used, will get donated to the homeless shelters in Milwaukee, WI.



Charities supported by Pioneer Travel, LLC

Click on the charity organization below to find out how Pioneer Travel is helping make the world a little bit easier for struggling families.

Supporting the Community

Giving Back


Participation Photos